Alfred S. Alschuler

++ ALFRED S. ALSCHULER  was born November 2, 1876 in Chicago.  He studied at the Armour Institute of Technology and the Art Institute of Chicago.  In 1899 he worked for Dankmar Adler, joining notables there who included Simeon Eisendrath, Hugh Garden, Henry Ottenheimer and Irving Gill.  After Adler's death in 1900, Alschuler worked for Samuel Treat.  In 1907 he married Rose Haas and opened his own office. Later, he was a Board Trustee for the Armour Institute of Technology where he proposed a new campus plan in 1940.

Ahlsculer's career spanned from the Fair to the height of Art Deco and included multiple building types, styles and technologies. He died on June 11, 1940 in Chicago.

Alfred S. Alschuler
Featured Architect


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Alfred S. Alschuler



The Chicago Loop










The Chicago Loop